I wish my smart house could blog for itself

Me own development blog! Yeah!

01 March 2014

openHAB heats my living room when I need it

After I started my smart house project I've had so many ideas about what to fix and what to make, but the most important thing when I started was to make my living room comfier during the norwegian winters. So, after installing my Raspberry PI, my Razberry card and configuring my openHAB to start working I connected my two Fibaro wall plugs.

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05 February 2014

Configure and use Prowl with openHAB

As I've been searching the internet to find good methods of getting notifications to my phone about when something happens in my house, i stumbled across Prowl. It is free and easy to configure with openHAB, there's just one extra thing you'll have to remember.

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04 February 2014

Installing Raspbian and openHAB on my Raspberry Pi

So, my smart house project has just begun. Luckily I had an unused Raspberry Pi lying around waiting to be used. I stopped using it earlier 'cause the SD card got corrupted all the time, and I forgot to backup it up after doing the final configurations. But now it's time to try again.

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03 February 2014

My smart house project has begun

Over the last couple of weeks I've been talking to some colleagues at work about making my house smarter than it is (trust me it is dumb..). There are so many cool things I want my house to do and report back to me.

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