Terminator for Linux - most important shortcuts
After being "forced" to use Ubuntu at work, I've got a tips about a great terminal-program called "Terminator". After using it for some while I started searching the web for keyboard shortcuts to speeding up the day-to-day tasks.
I've collected some of the shortcuts here, if I've forgotten any - please do let me know:
- Ctrl+Shift+X - Toggle between showing all terminals and only showing the current one.
- Ctrl+Shift+O - Split terminals Horizontally.
- Ctrl+Shift+E - Split terminals Vertically.
- Ctrl+Shift+Right - Move parent dragbar Right.
- Ctrl+Shift+Left - Move parent dragbar Left.
- Ctrl+Shift+Up - Move parent dragbar Up.
- Ctrl+Shift+Down - Move parent dragbar Down.
- Ctrl+Shift+W - Close the current terminal.
- Ctrl+Shift+T - Open a new tab
- Ctrl+Shift+Page Up - Goto previous tab
- Ctrl+Shift+Page Down - Goto next tab
- Ctrl+Plus (+) - Increase font size. Note: this may require you to press shift, depending on your keyboard
- Ctrl+Minus (-) - Decrease font size. Note: this may require you to press shift, depending on your keyboard
- Ctrl+Zero(0) - Restore font size to original setting.